Autonomic function was studied by the use of spectral analysis of hear
t-rate variability in patients with epilepsy in relation to type of ep
ilepsy and anti-epileptic drug therapy. A total of 21 patients with ju
venile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) and 21 with temporal lobe epilepsy (TL
E) were included; 18 patients were treated with carbstmazepine (CBZ),
16 with valproate (VPA) and seven with phenytoin (PHT). One healthy dr
ug free control, matched for age and sex, was selected for each patien
t. Patients and controls underwent an ambulatory 24 h EKG. Heart-rate
variability was analyzed in time and frequency domains. Patients with
TLE had significantly lower S.D. of the RR-intervals, lower low freque
ncy power and a lower low frequency/high frequency power ratio than th
eir controls. A lower low frequency/high frequency power ratio was the
only significant difference between the JME patient group and their c
ontrols. Treatment. however, may have had a considerable influence on
the hear? rate Variability in the epilepsy patients. Patients on CBZ h
ad significantly lower S.D, of RR-intervals, low frequency power and a
low frequency/high frequency power ratio than did their matched healt
hy drug free controls. The ratio of low frequency/high frequency power
was also lower in patients on VPA compared with their controls, but a
part from that no differences could be demonstrated between this treat
ment group and the controls. In conclusion, patients with epilepsy app
ear to have an altered autonomic control of the heart, with a reductio
n in some heart-rate variability measures, suggesting a decreased symp
athetic tone, which may be related to the drug therapy or the epilepsy
as such. Further studies are warranted to explore these changes and t
heir possible relevance for sudden death in epilepsy. (C) 1998 Elsevie
r Science B.V. All rights reserved.