Significant changes have been made in the systematics of the genus Spi
roplasma (class Mollicutes) since it was expanded by revision in 1987
to include 23 groups and eight sub-groups. Since that time, two additi
onal spiroplasmas have been assigned group numbers and species names.
More recently, specific epithets have been assigned to nine previously
designated groups and three sub-groups. Also, taxonomic descriptions
and species names have been published for six previously ungrouped spi
roplasmas. These six new organisms are: Spiroplasma alleghenense (stra
in PLHS-1(T)) (group XXVI), Spiroplasma lineolae (strain TALS-2(T) (gr
oup XXVII), Spiroplasma platyhelix (strain PALS-1(T)) (group XXVIII),
Spiroplasma montanense (strain HYOS-1(T) (group XXXI). Spiroplasma hel
icoides (strain TABS-2(T) (group XXXII) and Spiroplasma tabanidicola (
strain TAUS-1(T)) (group XXXIII). Also, group XVII, which became vacan
t when strain DF-1(T) (Spiroplasma chrysopicola) was transferred to gr
oup VIII, has been filled with strain Tab 4c. The discovery of Laborat
ory, US these strains reflects continuing primary search in insect res
ervoirs, Department of particularly horse flies and deer flies (Dipter
a :Tabanidae). In the current revision, new group designations for 10
spiroplasma strains, including six recently named organisms, are propo
sed. Three unnamed but newly grouped spiroplasmas are strain TIUS-1 (g
roup XXIX; ATCC 51751) from a typhiid wasp (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae), s
train BIUS-1 (group XXX; ATCC 51750) from floral surfaces of the ticks
eed sunflower (Bidens sp.) and strain BARC 1901 (group XXXIV; ATCC 700
283). Strain BARC 2649 (ATCC 700284) from Tabanus lineola has been pro
posed as a new sub-group of group VIII. Strains TIUS-1 and BIUS-1 have
unusual morphologies, appearing as helices at only certain stages in
culture. In this revision, potentially important intergroup serologica
l relationships observed between strain DW-1 (group II) from a neotrop
ical Drosophila species and certain sub-group representatives of group
I spiroplasmas are also reported.