The role of sigmoidoscopic examination in the diagnosis, evaluation, a
nd treatment of minor lower gastrointestinal bleeding was investigated
. A hundred patients with minor rectal bleeding were examined by rigid
sigmoidoscopy under general anaesthesia between January 1989 and July
1996. Patients who had bleeding secondary to infections, anal fissure
, or haemorrhoids were excluded from study. Patients were reviewed ret
rospectively according to their diagnosis and endoscopic and histopath
ological findings. Twenty nine of these patients were girls and 71 boy
s; their ages ranged between 8 month and 14 years (mean 7.2 years). En
doscopic pathological findings were established in 60 patients; 32 had
rectal polyps, 16 non-specific proctitis, four solitary rectal ulcers
, three internal haemorrhoids, two ulcerative colitis, two Hirschsprun
g's enterocolitis, and one haemangioma. It is concluded that sigmoidos
copic examination should be performed for the diagnosis, prognosis, an
d choice of treatment in patients with minor rectal bleeding and the d
iagnosis should be confirmed histopathologically.