We consider bounds on the smallest possible root with a specified argu
ment phi of a power series f(z) = 1 + Sigma(n=1)(infinity)a(i)z(i) wit
h coefficients a(i) in the interval [-g, g]. We describe the form that
the extremal power series must take and hence give an algorithm for c
omputing the optimal root when phi/2 pi is rational. When g greater th
an or equal to 2 root 2 + 3 we show that the smallest disc containing
I two roots has radius (root g + 1)(-1) coinciding with the smallest d
ouble real root possible for such a series. It is clear from our compu
tations that the behaviour is more complicated for smaller g. We give
a similar procedure for computing the smallest circle with a real root
and a pair of conjugate roots of a given argument. We conclude by bri
efly discussing variants of the beta-numbers. (where the defining inte
ger sequence is generated by taking the nearest integer rather than th
e integer part). We show that the conjugates, lambda, of these pseudo-
beta-numbers either lie inside the unit circle or their reciprocals mu
st be roots of [-1/2, 1/2) power series; in particular we obtain the s
harp inequality \lambda\ less than or equal to 3/2.