For the first time the step-edge energies have been measured for a sup
erstructure resulting from nonpolar/polar heteroepitaxy. Using scannin
g tunneling microscopy, we have investigated the morphology of the Ge/
GaAs(001)-(1 x 2) reconstructed surface using substrates miscut by 1 d
egrees and 2 degrees toward the [110] direction to expose the A-type s
teps. The superstructure has well-defined step edges and smooth terrac
es, even when the initial substrate is rough. The primary defect struc
tures are antiphase domain boundaries remaining from the formation of
the (1 x 2) reconstruction. The kink energies are similar to these for
the A-type steps on both the GaAs(001)-(2 x 4) and Si(100)-(2 x 1) su
rfaces. In addition, there is an apparent kink-kink attraction of abou
t 120 meV between nearest-neighbor kinks. Using the model incorporatin
g nearest-neighbor interactions between kinks developed for the Ge/GaA
s(001)(1 x 2) superstructure, the kink-kink repulsion observed on GaAs
(001)-(2 x 4) is discussed quantitatively and shown to involve energie
s significantly higher than those which could be reasonably attributed
to dipole-dipole interactions. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.