The neurosecretory bag cells of sexually mature Aplysia californica re
lease egg-laying hormones as part of the reproductive process after a
train of action potentials termed afterdischarge. Whole-cell voltage-c
lamp experiments were performed in cultured cells from sexually immatu
re A. californica to characterize the inward voltage-gated currents fo
r Na+ and Ca2+. The goal of these experiments was to investigate the r
egulation of excitability during sexual maturation. Na+ currents in ba
g cells of immature A. californica were similar in several ways to tho
se of mature animals, The Na+ currents activated at voltages less nega
tive than -30 mV and peaked at 10-20 mV in artificial sea water, The t
ime course and pharmacology of bag cell Na+ currents were similar to t
hose of bag cells from mature A. californica, although the Na+ current
density was lower in immature A. californica. Na+ currents were inhib
ited by tetrodotoxin (50 nmoll(-1)). The Na+ current was relatively in
sensitive to depolarized holding potentials (V-h), maintaining approxi
mately 50% of peak current amplitude present at V-h = -70 mV throughou
t the activation range at V-h = -30 mV, In experiments using a 1 s dep
olarized Vh prior to a test pulse, the half-inactivation voltage (V-h)
was - 27 mV, Recovery of immature Na+ current from steady-state inact
ivation at V-h = -30 mV had a time constant (tau) of 9.5 ms, significa
ntly slower than in mature animals, Ca2+ currents of immature A. calif
ornica activated at approximately -30 mV and peaked at approximately 2
0 mV with 11 mmoll(-1) Ba2+ as the charge carrier, The principle diffe
rences from mature Ca2+ currents were the low density of the immature
Ca2+ currents and their 'rundown' in whole-cell recordings, The pharma
cology and V-1/2 of bag cell Ca2+ currents were similar to those of L-
type Ca2+ currents in mature cells, The Ca2+ currents were inhibited 6
1 +/- 10% by nifedipine (10 mu moll(-1)) and were unaffected by omega-
conotoxin GVIA (10 mu moll(-1)). The Ca2+ currents were relatively ins
ensitive to depolarized V-h, activating maximally at V-h = -90, -70 an
d -50 mV, and maintaining 50% of this peak current amplitude throughou
t the activation range at V-h = -30 mV, The V-1/2 was -23 mV in experi
ments in which cells were subjected to a 1 s depolarized V-h prior to
a test pulse. Na+ current amplitudes were maintained or increased duri
ng 1 min of 4 Hz test pulses in bag cells at V-h = -70 mV and V-h = -3
0 mV. In contrast, Ca2+ current run-down occurred during 1 min of 4 Hz
test pulses in seven of 10 cells at V-h = -70 mV and in 12 of 12 cell
s at V-h = -30 mV. The observed scarcity of Na+ and Ca2+ currents in i
mmature bag cells as well as the specific characteristics of immature
bag cell Ca2+ currents make repetitive action potential firing and hor
mone release less likely than in mature bag cells.