A major focus of research on the dynamics of host-pathogen interaction
s has been the evolution of pathogen virulence, which is defined as th
e loss in host fitness due to infection. It is usually assumed that ch
anges in pathogen virulence are the result of selection to increase pa
thogen fitness. However, in some cases, pathogens have acquired hypovi
rulence by themselves becoming infected with hyperparasites. For examp
le, the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica has become hyp
ovirulent in some areas by acquiring a double-stranded RNA hyperparasi
te that debilitates the pathogen, thereby reducing its virulence to th
e host. In this article, we develop and analyze a mathematical model o
f the dynamics of host-pathogen interactions with three trophic levels
. The system may be dominated by either uninfected (virulent) or hyper
parasitized (hypovirulent) pathogens, or by a mixture of the two. Hypo
virulence may allow some recovery of the host population, but it can a
lso harm the host population if the hyperparasite moves the transmissi
on rate of the pathogen closer to its evolutionarily stable strategy.
In the latter case, the hyperparasite is effectively a mutualist of th
e pathogen. Selection among hyperparasites will often minimize the del
eterious effects, or maximize the beneficial effects,, of the hyperpar
asite on the pathogen. Increasing the frequency of multiple infections
of the same host individual promotes the acquisition of hypovirulence
by increasing the opportunity for horizontal transmission of the hype
rparasite. This effect opposes the usual theoretical expectation that
multiple injections promote the evolution of more virulent pathogens v
ia selection for rapid growth within hosts.