This paper describes a laboratory study into the chemical pathways by
which Na+ is converted to Na in the upper atmosphere. The termolecular
clustering reactions of Na+ with N-2, O-2, and CO2 were studied in a
low-temperature fast flow reactor coupled to a quadrupole mass spectro
meter. This yielded k(Na+ + N-2 + He, 93-255 K) = (1.20 +/- 0.13) x 10
(-30) (T/200 K)(-(2.20+/-0.09)), k(Na+ + O-2 + He, 93-130 K) = (5.20 /- 2.62) x 10(-31) (T/200 K)(-(2.64+/-0.74)), k(Na+ + CO2 + He, 158-30
0 K) = (9.05 +/- 1.38) x 10(-30) (T/200 K)(-(2.84+/-0.48)), where the
units are cm(6) molecule(-2) s(-1) and the stated errors are a combina
tion of the 2 sigma standard errors in the kinetic data and the system
atic errors in the temperature, pressure, and flour rates. It was then
shown that atomic O will ligand switch with Na.N-2(+) but not with. N
a.CO2+, and that the former reaction proceeds essentially at the Lange
vin collision frequency. The neutralization of Na+ in the upper atmosp
here is therefore rather complex. The first step is formation of the N
a.N-2(+) ion from the recombination of Na+ with N-2. This cluster ion
can then either switch with CO2, which leads to a stable cluster ion t
hat will undergo dissociative electron recombination to form Na; or sw
itch with atomic O, which reforms Na+. The result of this is that the
lifetime of Na+ changes very rapidly from more than a day above 100 km
to just a few minutes at 90 km. Furthermore, the rate of neutralizati
on is largely independent of the electron concentration A simple model
describing the conversion of Na+ to atomic Na in a descending sporadi
c E layer demonstrates that this ion-molecule mechanism appears to ful
fil many of the major criteria for producing sporadic sodium layers.