Advanced but resectable larynx and hypopharynx squamous cell carcinoma
s are, in the vast majority of cases, treated by radical surgery and p
ostoperative irradiation, resulting in the total ablation of the voice
box. Some institutions prefer to use irradiation and reserve radical
surgery for salvage. There is no randomized comparison of results obta
ined with these two strategies. Induction chemotherapy with the use of
platinum and 5-fluorouracil provides notable response rates and allow
s the prediction of radiosensitivity in those patients who show a resp
onse to chemotherapy. This has been the basis of the most frequent lar
ynx preservation approach: induction chemotherapy followed by irradiat
ion in good responders or by radical surgery in poor responders, This
strategy did not jeopardize survival and allowed larynx preservation i
n 50% to 66% of survivors. These results are of importance but it shou
ld nonetheless be remembered that irradiation is an efficient treatmen
t of these tumors and may have an improved activity(with modified frac
tionation or concurrent administration of chemotherapy and irradiation
) and that selected cases are amenable to subtotal laryngectomy. On th
e other hand, new prospects for treatment are emerging (biologic tools
, place of imaging), as well as new parameters for the success of trea
tment (quality of life, quality of preserved function, cost effectiven
ess), in summary, larynx preservation is undoubtedly feasible but rema
ins investigational.