XLPOU91, a POU-homeobox gene is expressed in a narrow window during ea
rly Xenopus development. We show that ectopic expression of XLPOU91 RN
A causes severe posterior truncations in embryos without inhibiting th
e formation of Spemann's organizer. Ectopic XLPOU91 expression also in
hibits mesoderm induction by fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and activi
n in animal cap explants. Using antisense RNA, we depleted endogenous
XLPOU91 protein in animal caps. Gastrula-stage animal caps expressing
XLPOU91 antisense RNA do not lose competence to FGF, unlike controls,
these animal caps express XBra after FGF treatment. Endogenous XLPOU91
levels are peaking when FGF mesoderm-inducing competence is lost in a
nimal caps. Thus XLPOU91 protein may act as a competence switch during
early development, as XLPOU91 levels increase in the embryo, the meso
derm response to FGF is lost. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.