A detailed study is made of reactive scalar statistics conditional on
the value of a conserved scalar in a non-buoyant reactive plume of NO
in a turbulent grid how doped with O-3 using the reaction NO + O-3 -->
NO2 + O-2 + 200 kJ mol(-1) (in the absence of UV radiation). Use of s
uch conditional statistics makes it possible to separate the effects o
f turbulent mixing and chemical reaction. Simultaneous measurements of
two reactive scalars and two orthogonal turbulent velocities are made
using high-resolution instruments. Radial profiles of scalar statisti
cs are taken through the plume. It is found that the reactive scalar m
eans conditional on a conserved scalar lack significant dependence on
radial position and that conditional variance around the conditional m
ean is relatively small. This is in agreement with similar findings in
completely different types of turbulent reacting Bows. Detailed exper
iments have been conducted at a single location where the ratio of ini
tial reactant concentrations has been varied by a factor of 30 and the
Damkohler number (the ratio of the flow timescale to that of the chem
ical reaction) by a factor of 6, but without measurable effect on the
flow field. The conditional reactive scalar results are presented and
their usefulness for investigating the reactive behaviour of the plume
is demonstrated. Use is made of the stoichiometric distance, the loca
tion where the unconditional mean conserved scalar is equal to the ini
tial concentration of ambient reactant. Preliminary results of the con
ditional moment closure (CMC) model of Klimenko (1990) and Bilger (199
3) are compared with conditional experimental data. The CMC model lead
s to significant simplification of the equations governing variation o
f reactive scalars in the Bow. The equations are solved numerically wi
th low computational requirements. Weighting of the conditional values
with the conserved scalar probability density function yields the con
ventional reactive scalar means. CMC modelling results are shown to be
in good agreement with the experimental data. Limiting cases (equilib
rium and reaction dominated) for the reactive scalar statistics are de
rived from the conserved scalar statistics and form bounds on both the
experimental and CMC predictions as expected from theoretical conside
rations. Application of the CMC model to atmospheric flows is discusse
d. A good estimate of the covariance is also made from the conditional
reactive scalar means. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights rese