The morphology of growth pyramids on Si(lll) facets has been studied w
ith an atomic force microscope. These facets with pyramids are formed
upon chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth on a hemispherical substra
te. Spiral as well as concentric step edge patterns have been observed
on the growth pyramids. Based on the step edge patterns the origin of
the pyramids is attributed to different types of dislocations. Step e
dge patterns indicate that growth during CVD is governed by step edge
processes and that surface diffusion is not rate limiting. The complet
ely different growth mechanism of molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) is illu
strated by MBE overgrowth of a silicon layer on top of the CVD layer.
MBE growth parameters have been studied by comparing the growth pyrami
d morphology with simulation results.