The reservoir of the Keban Dam in eastern Anatolia is a very deep and
large water body subject to significant seasonal water level fluctuati
ons within a given hydrological year. At the present time, different s
ections of the reservoir have different trophic status and the upper p
ortion of the reservoir, in particular, is eutrophic. In this regard,
there is a need for the assessment of alternative strategies to be imp
lemented for phosphorus and thus eutrophication control in this segmen
t of the reservoir. In this study, mathematical modeling techniques ar
e used to compare various alternatives in terms of their relative effe
ctiveness for phosphorus control. With this intention, a two dimension
al depth-averaged hydrodynamic model and a three-dimensional compartme
ntal water quality model are coupled to represent the complex water bo
dy dynamics prevailing in the reservoir, After calibration and verific
ation, the coupled model was used to simulate dissolved oxygen and eup
hotic chlorophyll-a concentrations under different scenario conditions
corresponding to various strategies proposed for phosphorus control.
The modelling effort has yielded valuable information that can be used
by decision makers for the evaluation of different management alterna
tives including reduction of the phosphorus load coming from point as
well as diffuse sources within the catchment area, use of baffles and
construction of pre-dam structures. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.