The Muir-Torre syndrome is a rare autosomal-dominant disease involving
sebaceous neoplasms as markers for multiple internal malignancies. Di
agnostic criteria include at least one sebaceous gland adenoma, epithe
lioma, or carcinoma and at least one internal malignancy. The world li
terature contains 162 cases with 316 internal malignancies. Colorectal
and urogenital malignancies predominate, and nearly half the patients
had two or more internal cancers. The discovery of a Muir-Torre syndr
ome-associated sebaceous lesion is rare and should prompt an evaluatio
n for internal malignancies. We report a family over five generations
displaying this syndrome. The proband is a 44-year-old man with two sk
in and two colon malignancies who presented to our clinic with the chi
ef complaint of an infected sebaceous cyst. The world literature is re
viewed, and an emphasis on the surgeon's role in evaluation and treatm
ent is discussed.