Neurohumoral activation refers to increased activity of the sympatheti
c nervous system, renin-angiotensin system, vasopressin and atrial nat
riuretic peptide, It is now known that neurohumoral activation contrib
utes to the transition from ventricular dysfunction to clinical heart
failure, and is an independent predictor of poor prognosis in heart fa
ilure, Although the treatment of heart failure has traditionally focus
ed on drugs to improve ventricular function, there is increasing evide
nce that therapeutic modulation of neurohumoral activation is a key to
successful treatment of heart failure, For example, there is mounting
evidence that angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (the unquestio
ned cornerstone for treatment of heart failure), beta receptor blocker
s, digitalis, and endurance exercise training exert their benefit in h
eart failure in large part through neurohumoral modulation, This obser
vation - discussed in this brief review - highlights the concept that
compensatory neurohumoral activation to decreased cardiac function may
itself contribute to the development of heart failure and its poor pr