Although psychotropic drugs have not been tested or approved by the Fo
od and Drug administration for use during pregnancy, some women contin
ue to take these medications while they are pregnant, particularly sin
ce mood and anxiety disorders cluster in women during childbearing yea
rs. The relative risks and benefits of drug therapy for these women mu
st be weighed with each patient and treatment limited to those situati
ons in which risks to mother and fetus from the disorder an presumed t
o exceed the risk of drug treatment. Risks of psychotropic drug use du
ring pregnancy include teratogenic effects, direct neonatal toxicity,
and the potential for longer term neurobehavioral sequelae. Of growing
concern is the risk of untreated psychiatric disorder as it may poten
tially affect fetoplacental integrity and fetal central nervous system
development. Coordination of care with the patient, her husband or pa
rtner, and the obstetrician is essential, as is careful medical record
documentation when treating pregnant patients with psychiatric disord