In patients with male infertility, endorectal magnetic resonance (MR)
imaging provides high-resolution images of the prostate gland and ejac
ulatory apparatus, The multiplanar capability of MR imaging allows pro
duction of a detailed map of the reproductive tract for guiding treatm
ent, Causes of male infertility can be classified as congenital, acqui
red, infectious, or hormonal, Wolffian duct abnormalities include agen
esis of the kidney, vas deferens, or seminal vesicle and cysts of the
vas deferens, seminal vesicle, or urogenital sinus-ejaculatory duct, M
ullerian duct abnormalities are less common and consist of mullerian d
uct cysts and utricle cysts, Cowper duct cysts and peripheral-zone pro
static cysts are acquired causes of male infertility, Prostatitis, an
infectious cause of male infertility, may mimic carcinoma on long repe
tition time/echo time images, A low testosterone level is one of the h
ormonal causes of male infertility, Pitfalls in the interpretation of
MR images can be avoided by familiarity with normal and abnormal findi
ngs in patients with male infertility.