Electrothermal propulsion higher limits of projectile velocity. It pro
vides many advantages over conventional propulsion. As for a conventio
nal gun, the knowledge of thermochemical data and propellant behaviour
is necessary to optimize the system. The reaction products issued fro
m the decomposition of methanol during an electrothermal process were
characterized in order to understand the chemical process. Therefore,
a plasma generator is specially added to a closed vessel suitable for
high pressures. The combustion products of methanol were identified an
d quantified by the analysis of the gases with a chromatograph coupled
with a mass spectrometer. The released chemical energy is calculated
from the analysis results. A defined electrical energy injected into t
he plasma is found by which the amount of methanol is completely decom
posed. This energy is estimated by an empirical method. The theoretica
l calculations of temperature fit well with the observed phenomena. Re
sults indicate that the plastic materials used in the closed vessel ha
ve an important influence on the combustion. Moreover, the chemical en
ergy released during reaction is not the decisive parameter for the op
timization of the launcher's performances during the electrothermal pr
ocess. A relation between the chemical energy released during reaction
and the plasma injection energy is established for methanol.