Rather than merely a nuisance, noise in biological systems is a useful
property, Before patch-clamp methods were invented, analysis of membr
ane current noise provided the first solid, if indirect, evidence for
the existence of ion-conducting pores with discrete conductance levels
,Although supplanted by single-channel recording techniques for most t
asks, analysis of current membrane noise remains useful for certain pr
oblems, such as determining the properties of channels with rapid kine
tics that open with a high probability and desensitize, channels local
ized at synapses, channels with an unusually low unitary conductance a
nd open-channel noise, In addition, the role of noise in information p
rocessing in the CNS is increasingly being recognized, In this article
, we summarize the analysis of current membrane noise with an emphasis
on what the technique is still useful for, and discuss the role for n
oise in information processing.