A reduction in sources of environmental lead exposure has resulted in
substantial declines in mean blood lead concentrations of all age grou
ps in dir United States. However, some segments of the population cont
inue to have unacceptable levels of lead exposure and elevated blood l
ead concentrations. In addition, virtually all residents of industrial
ized countries have bone lead stores that are several orders of magnit
ude greater than those of our preindustrial ancestors. Recent studies
suggest that these skeletal lead scores adversely affect health and ca
n contribute to reduced birth weights, aggressive behavior in children
, and anemia, hypertension, and kidney disease in adults. Evidence is
described that demonstrates that an increase in dietary calcium consum
ption can reduce lead absorption and toxicity from exogenous and endog
enous lead exposure, A relatively inexpensive and effective way to red
uce the substantial morbidity that will result from widespread lead ex
posure is by fortification of a variety of foods with low levels of ca
lcium. This approach can complement other efforts to prevent lead expo
sure and reduce lead toxicity.