Pancreatitis induced by ligation of the pancreatic duct produces morph
ologic similarities to human pancreatitis. This model is easily perfor
med in big animals, but it is very difficult to perform pancreatic duc
t ligation in small animals. Many experimental studies of pharmaceutic
al treatments for pancreatitis used pancreatic duct-ligation models, b
ut it is also difficult to evaluate the efficacy of the drugs used, be
cause the animals used are of different species with individual differ
ences. To overcome these problems, we ligated the main pancreatic duct
of the splenic lobe by a 5.0 absorbable suture by using a surgical mi
croscope and left the gastroduodenal lobe intact in the same rats. Thi
s model produced damaged pancreatic tissue in one part and normal panc
reatic tissue in another part of the pancreas in the same animals, bio
chemically and histologically. We evaluated the effect of a new protea
se inhibitor (ONO-3404) on this preliminary model and found this new p
rotease inhibitor demonstrated a hypertrophic effect on the damaged pa
ncreatic tissue and the normal pancreatic tissue in the same animals.
This model is also useful to study pharmaceutic treatment for pancreat
ic insufficiency and to study chemically induced pancreatic carcinogen
esis in the damaged pancreatic tissue and the normal pancreatic tissue
in the same animals.