In Sweden today, nitrogen deposition, originating in equal parts from
ammonia and nitrogen oxides, exceeds the level where long-term negativ
e impacts are expected. The Swedish Board of Agriculture has been comm
issioned by the Swedish Government to suggest a new action program to
reduce NH3 emissions from agriculture by 50% in the future. Cut-rent o
bjectives are to decrease NH3 emissions by 25% in south and south-west
ern Sweden. In other areas where the critical load level is exceeded,
the long-term objective is to decrease NH3 emissions by 50%. Measures
taken to reduce NH3 emissions from agriculture consist of: education,
information and demonstration projects, regulations and support to res
earch, and development projects. Regulations consist of measures for h
andling animal manures to decrease NH3 emissions. Slurry and urine pit
s should be covered in a way that prevents NH3 emissions and the pits
should be filled beneath the cover. When spreading on bare soils, wast
es should be incorporated into the soil within four hours. Research an
d development projects dear with, among other things, covering of slur
ry and urine stores, spreading techniques, incorporating techniques, m
anure handling in animal houses and measuring techniques. Knowledge an
d information on how to avoid NH3 emissions has been presented to farm
ers in courses and by the extension service. This paper presents the S
wedish agricultural environmental programs directed to decreasing NH3
emissions from Swedish agriculture. It is not intended to be a scienti
fic work and is therefore not referenced. The paper serves to demonstr
ate one Government's response to a particular area of environmental co