Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a fairly common lethal genetic disease in whit
es, inherited via an autosomal recessive pattern. Several clinically e
vident anomalies of the eye such as xerophthalmia, papilledema, retina
l alterations and optic neuropathy have been described. In the present
study we investigated lens changes in 40 patients affected by CE to r
elate the results to the stage of digestive insufficency. Each patient
underwent an accurate ocular examination including visual acuity, sli
t-lamp examination, and measurement of lens transparency with the Opac
ity Lens Meter 701. The results were compared with those of an age-and
sex-matched control group. The comparison between the lens opacity va
lues obtained in the CF patients and those measured in the control gro
up showed a statistically significant difference; moreover, lens trans
parency was more decreased in patients with severe digestive insuffici