Duplex-directed manual occlusion (DDMO) has emerged as a first line tr
eatment in selected cases of iatrogenic pseudoaneurysms related to int
erventional and therapeutic femoral artery cannulations. Early recurre
nces after successful closure of femoral false aneurysms (FFA) are des
cribed in the literature; however, very little long-term follow-up dat
a are available. Therefore, the authors reviewed their experience with
DDMO of 45 FFAs between February 1991 and December 1994. Follow-up wa
s arranged to assess the durability of this noninvasive procedure. DDM
O was unsuccessful in three of 45 FFAs (6.6%). Symptomatic recurrences
of two FFAs were documented by repeat duplex ultrasound at 7 and 20 d
ays post DDMO. Repeat DDMO was successful on one whereas the other req
uired surgical closure. One additional patient experienced persistent
groin discomfort despite successful DDMO necessitating surgical evacua
tion of a large hematoma. Four patients died during the follow-up peri
od. Thirty-five patients with 36 FFAs remained eligible for long-term
evaluation. Three were lost to follow-up and six patients were intervi
ewed by phone and denied symptoms suggestive of recurrence but refused
further follow-up. Twenty-six patients with a history of 24 FFAs unde
rwent repeat duplex scans. No recurrent FFAs were identified with mean
follow-up of 17.5 months (range 1-35). The authors conclude that DDMO
is a safe, effective, and durable treatment of iatrogenic femoral fal
se aneurysms.