Purpose: We defined the anatomical structure of the male genital abnor
mality in the Robinow syndrome. Features of this syndrome include meso
melic brachymelia of the arms, bifid terminal phalanges of the hands a
nd feet, characteristic facies, skeletal anomalies and hypoplastic ext
ernal genitalia. Materials and Methods: Penile anatomy of 3 patients w
ith the Robinow syndrome was assessed using computerized tomography an
d magnetic resonance imaging. Results were compared to those of 4 cont
rols who underwent imaging for pelvic malignancies. Results: Cross-sec
tional imaging showed that normal penile crura were inserted onto the
anteromedial aspect of the pubic bone. In contrast, in the Robinow syn
drome they were inserted inferiorly and posteriorly onto the medial as
pect of the ischial tuberosity. In addition, the crura in the Robinow
syndrome extended posterior to a line intersecting both femoral shafts
. Compared to controls, there was a significant gap between the symphy
sis pubis and dorsal aspect of the penis. Conclusions: The penile anom
aly in the Robinow syndrome is due to abnormal insertion of the penile
crura, resulting in a penis that appears shorter and more inferiorly
placed between the legs.