The DEPRESSION Awareness, Recognition and Treatment (D/ART) program un
der the sponsorship of the National Institutes of Health has made cons
istent efforts to help educate many communities around the nation abou
t depression. One important aspect of this effort includes offering fr
ee screening for depression to the general public. Since new technolog
y often promotes curiosity and interest, a computerized depression scr
eening and awareness program was created to use at fairs and other loc
al events. Individuals who participated completed a computerized versi
on of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depressed Mood Scale (CES
-D) and then received a one page printout that described the common sy
mptoms of depression, a score indicative of their level of depressed m
ood, a brief explanation of the score, and a telephone number where ad
ditional information could be obtained. This paper details the constru
ction of the computerized version of the CES-D including an evaluation
of psychometric properties and consumer satisfaction with the program