The study of festivals in the context of Andean culture has led many t
imes to the study of power. Social relations of power manifest themsel
ves through symbolism and rituals. This article analyses the harvest f
estival which takes place each year in the rural parish of Tixan in th
e central Ecuadorian Andes. It is an indigenous celebration organised
by an indigenous second grade organisation named ''Inca Atahualpa.'' R
itual acts are strongly related to the state interethnic conflict whic
h during centuries has been characterizing social interacting of three
ethnic groups (Indians, chagras, and mestizos) struggling either to m
aintain or to gain the exercise of power. The analysis will focus on e
thnic interaction which takes place during the festival to establish s
ymbolic ethnic boundaries. The feast becomes the scenery of the confli
ct where ethnic identity and culture are reified in order to become we
apons for empowerment. In this game even cultural manifestations which
belong to the realm of the other are symbolically used to claim indig
enous rights to equality.