Objective To describe a case of diabetes mellitus in a koala (Phascola
rctos cinereus). Design A case report with controls. Procedures We des
cribe clinical and laboratory findings in a 6-year-old, free-living, f
emale koala presented with traumatic injury and subsequently found to
have polydipsia, hyperglycaemia and glucosuria. Over a 5 week period,
serum biochemical analyses, haematological examinations, urinalyses, m
easurement of serum insulin and fructosamine concentrations, necropsy,
histopathological examination of a range of tissues and immunohistoch
emical examination of the pancreas for insulin-containing cells were d
one. For reference purposes, serum insulin and fructosamine concentrat
ions were determined in four and two healthy koalas, respectively, and
three healthy koalas' pancreases were examined histologically and imm
unohistochemically. Results The koala had persistent hyperglycaemia, h
yperlipidaemia, hyponatraemia, hypochloraemia and glucosuria. Serum in
sulin concentration of the diabetic koala was only marginally smaller
than that of healthy koalas, but all concentrations were smaller than
reference concentrations in dogs and people. Fructosamine concentratio
n did not allow the diabetic koala to be distinguished from healthy ko
alas and concentrations of all koala analytes were greater than expect
ed for healthy dogs and people. Histopathological examination revealed
extensive degeneration of pancreatic islet cells and fatty infiltrati
on of hepatocytes. Immunoperoxidase staining revealed decreased or abs
ent insulin in the beta cells of the affected koala. Conclusion Clinic
al signs, clinicopathological results and histopathological changes we
re consistent with diabetes mellitus. The pathogenesis of the conditio
n could not be determined but may have been related to the administrat
ion of a parenteral corticosteroid preparation, the stress of capture
or tissue damage and inflammation.