For the 10-30 nm interval within the extreme UV region of the solar sp
ectrum, there are no commonly accepted views on the spectral compositi
on and absolute magnitudes of the radiation intensity due to the lack
of reliable data. This region is connected with characteristics of the
ionosphere heat regime, photoelectron spectrum parameters and E-F val
ley characteristics. For estimating the solar radiation flux by the in
direct route within the spectral region from 10 to 30 nm, which is dif
ficult for direct measurements, it is suggested to use data on the ele
ctron concentration in the E-region maximum and E-F valley. Taken from
empirical models, the data on these parameters were correlated with t
heoretical calculations of height profiles of electron concentration i
n the ionosphere. Based on the proportion between electron concentrati
on in the E-layer maximum and E-F valley minimum, the solar radiation
flux within the 10-30 nm region was shown to be 2.5 times greater than
that obtained in measurements on board the 'AE-E' and 'AE-C' satellit
es, The results are used for correcting model spectra of the extreme U
V radiation.