The 'deepening' and the 'widening' of the European Union faces difficu
lties and complications, not the least of which is the democratic defi
cit which many feel exists with the project. So, is the creation of Eu
rope as a more powerful 'imagined community' a practical possibility?
Firstly, the development of a sense of national identity rook a long t
ime to develop and had to be re-enforced by state driven education, im
perial conquests and wars. Secondly, the development of a European ide
ntity faces a powerful challenge from national identity whereas when n
ational identity began to be developed its main challenge was localism
and particularism which often lacked means of legitimation and defenc
e other than an appeal to perceived custom. Thirdly, although the 'nat
ional' emerged in the context of the development of a growing capitali
st world economy, the internationalising elements were much less power
ful than they are today. Just as the global undercuts the 'nation', so
it also undercuts the idea of 'super-nation' and provides basis for o
ther identities and other potential polarisations and possibilities.