Adult age differences in memory for activities have frequently been re
ported. However, the age range of the older sample has varied from as
young as 56 to as old as 89. The present memory for activities study d
istinguished between the performance of young-old adults (60 To 70) an
d old adults (71 to 82) in comparison to young adults (18 to 34). Nine
teen tasks were administered over a 2-day, period, and individuals wer
e asked to recall them immediately or after a 24-h delay. Young-old ad
ults' memory for activities was comparable to the young adults' for bo
th immediate and delayed recall. Both the young and the young-old grou
ps outperformed the old adults. The results suggest that researchers m
ust consider the age of the individuals in the ''old'' group before dr
awing conclusions about adult age differences in memory for activities