The small country assumption affects the modelling of the export deman
d and export price equations. A large (monopolistic) country can set i
ts export price as a mark-up over marginal cost, because it has market
power. In contrast, small countries have to deal with competition whi
ch forces prices down to the price level of foreign competitors; price
s are exogenous. Another possibility is the case in which a small coun
try wants to preserve market shares in foreign markets, this results i
n fully endogenous pricing. This paper tests the small country export
hypothesis for the Dutch economy using a long-run VAR-model. The estim
ated VAR-model includes two long-run equilibrium relationships, which
can be identified as an export supply and export demand equation. Rest
rictions on the variables are used to test the various hypotheses conc
erning the long-run supply relationships.