In a sample of 695 healthy well-nourished German children and adolesce
nts covering the total age range from 1 to 18 years, 3d weighed diet r
ecords were collected and measurements of body height and weight were
taken. 10 % non-plausible records (reported energy intake (EI):estimat
ed basal metabolic rate (BMR) < Cut off 1.06) were excluded from furth
er analysis. The rate of non-plausible records was low in the childhoo
d age groups (2-6 %), higher in the male (10 %), and highest in the fe
male adolescents (30 %). Recalculation of age and sex specific cut off
s based on assumed light physical activity levels (PAL) reduced the ex
clusion rate to 6.5 % (total) and 20 % (female adolescents). The repor
ted energy intake of the total sample based on plausible records (n=62
7, EI:BMR greater than or equal to 1.06) was close to the new estimati
ons of energy requirements assuming light physical activity which are
proposed for the revision of the current FAO/WHO energy requirements.
The sample was of normal height and weight compared to the Netherlands
growth references. For a definite interpretation of the low reported
energy intake in the context of health promoting physical activity pat
terns of children and adolescents more scientific evidence should be a