The gross anatomy of the cardiac lymphatic system draining the left ve
ntricle was studied in 15 Yucatan minipigs and 2 regular swine. The fi
ndings confirm that the drainage pathways are similar to those of man
and dog. After a coloring marker is injected near the apex of the left
ventricle, one or more lymphatics are seen to ascend towards the left
atrial appendage. Where there is more than one ascending lymphatic, t
hey typically join before or at the left atrial appendage. This princi
pal lymphatic then passes beneath the appendage and travels behind (do
rsal to) the pulmonary artery and aorta to the right side of the media
stinum. From here, the lymphatic passes cephalad along the left border
of the superior vena cava to enter the cardiac lymph node between the
superior vena cava and the trachea.