The integration of recovery and recapture data, providing information
on the same individuals, is important for the stable fitting of a wide
range of stochastic models, resulting in more realistic estimates of
survival probabilities of wild animals than when either the recovery o
r recapture data are used separately. Previous integrated analyses hav
e either concentrated on time-dependent parameters only or, in the age
-dependent case, have not provided a flexible framework for model refi
nement and selection. We derive the likelihood for a general integrate
d model, allowing both age-and time-dependent parameters. The work of
this paper was motivated by a set of recapture histories on shags (Pha
lacrocorax aristotelis), for which biological knowledge and previous d
ata analysis suggest age dependence in both survival and recapture pro
babilities. We use these data to illustrate the general method. All mo
del fitting is done by the method of maximum likelihood and the progra
mming is done in MATLAB. For the shags, we found an annual survival pr
obability of 0.87 (standard error 0.01) for birds of breeding age and
0.70 (0.02) for birds in their second and third years. First-year surv
ival varied widely with time about an average of 0.46.