Sequential phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of cTnl by the cAMP d
ependent protein kinase and by protein phosphatase 2A, respectively, p
roduce the non-, mono- and bisphosphorylated species (Jaquet et al., 1
995, Eur. J. Biochem. 231, 486-490). The aim of this study was to dete
rmine these forms even in small tissue samples, e.g. in biopsy probes
of similar to 30 mg which would allow to define the phosphorylation st
ate of cTnl in heart areas. In order to do so a micro isolation proced
ure for cTnl had to be established. cTnl is extracted from small bovin
e, rabbit and human heart tissue samples (30-100 mg) under special con
ditions avoiding dephosphorylation and is isolated by affinity chromat
ography on cTnC Sepharose, All three species, the bis-, mono- and deph
ospho cTnl, are precipitated quantitatively by acetone, then they are
separated by non-equilibrium isoelectric focussing and quantified by s
canning densitometry. The method presented here allows to quantify the
three cTnl species reproducibly. No other phosphorylated species are
detected, Truncated cTnl forms of each phospho species are found in hu
man biopsy samples due to removal of a similar to 36 amino acid peptid
e from the C-terminus. In bovine, human and rabbit heart the pattern o
f the three cTnl phospho species is characteristic for left and right
atrium, left and right ventricle and septum.