Gaddis claimed that international relations theory failed to predict t
he Gulf War, the Soviet Union's collapse, and the cold war's end. Subs
equently, he acknowledged that the expected utility model captures the
logic behind complex adaptive systems such as the cold war internatio
nal system. That model correctly predicted two of the events to which
Gaddis pointed. Here, that model is used to simulate alternative scena
rios to determine whether the cold war's end could have been predicted
based only on information available in 1948. The simulations show a 6
8% to 78% probability that the United States would win the cold war pe
acefully given the conditions in 1948 and plausible shifts in the atte
ntiveness of each state to security concerns over time. The analysis d
emonstrates a rigorous method for testing counterfactual histories and
shows that the pro-American end to the cold war was an emergent prope
rty of the initial post-World War II conditions.