Members of the dystrophin family of proteins perform a critical but in
completely characterized role in the maintenance of membrane-associate
d complexes at points of intercellular contact in many vertebrate cell
types. They interact with, amongst others, the transmembrane laminin
receptor dystroglycan, cytoskeletal actin and, indirectly, the intrace
llular membrane-associated signalling enzyme neuronal nitric oxide syn
thase (nNOS). Here we describe sequences of a range of dystrophin-rela
ted proteins from vertebrate and invertebrate animals (including the i
mportant model organism Drosophila melanogaster) and infer an evolutio
nary history of this family and its relationship to the distantly rela
ted dystrobrevins. It appears that most metazoa possess sequences enco
ding a single highly conserved dystrophin-like protein in addition to
a presumed distinct dystrobrevin, derived from an early duplication of
an ancestral gene. In the vertebrates (but not the protochordate Amph
ioxus), the single invertebrate dystrophin-like gene has undergone ser
ial duplication to generate at least three distinct genes encoding pro
teins which have adopted specialized roles. It is hoped that this broa
dening of the biology of the dystrophins will afford further opportuni
ties for the advancement of our understanding of the fundamental defec
t underlying the variety of human genetic disorders which result from
aberrant or absent dystrophin-associated complexes.