Studies were conducted on alloys of atomic mass composition Fe73.5Nb3C
u1Si13.5B9 and Fe76.5Cu1Si13.5B9 TEM studies demonstrated that Fe-rich
nanocrystals precipitated from the amorphous starting materials exhib
ited the DO, structure from very early in the transformation process.
This result was corroborated by extended X-ray absorption fines struct
ure (EXAFS) studies which showed evidence of ordering in the Fe-rich p
recipitates from early in the transformation process. EXAFS studies al
so showed that Cu clusters with near-f.c.c. structure were present fro
m very early stages of the crystallization process. A model is propose
d which describes the role of the Cu clusters as catalyzing nucleation
of the DO3 crystallites by providing a low energy interface upon whic
h the activation energy for nucleation of the DO3 phase is lowered. (C
) 1998 Acta Metallurgica Inc.