This article reviews the evidence that melatonin, a hormone produced b
y the pineal gland during the dark hours, plays a major role in the re
gulation of the sleep-wake cycle. In recent years, our laboratory has
been involved in a large-scale project aimed at investigating the role
of endogenous melatonin in sleep-wake regulation and the effects of n
onpharmacological levels of melatonin on sleep. Based on our finding o
n the precise coupling between the endogenous nocturnal increase in me
latonin secretion and the opening of the nocturnal sleep gate, we prop
ose that the role of melatonin in the induction of sleep does not invo
lve the active induction of sleep, but is rather mediated by an inhibi
tion of a wakefulness-producing mechanism in the central nervous syste
m. Our studies also suggest that exogenously administered melatonin ma
y be beneficial in certain types of insomnia that are related to distu
rbances in the normal secretion of the hormone.