Pe. Blazar et al., ANTEROPOSTERIOR INSTABILITY OF THE DISTAL CLAVICLE AFTER DISTAL CLAVICLE RESECTION, Clinical orthopaedics and related research, (348), 1998, pp. 114-120
Resection of the lateral end of the clavicle disrupts the acromioclavi
cular articulation and creates the potential for abnormal postoperativ
e motion, Seventeen isolated distal clavicle resections were reviewed
to assess translation of the acromioclavicular articulation in the ant
eroposterior plane and its relationship to patient outcome, Stress rad
iographs were used to quantitate the translation of the distal clavicl
e and the amount of bone resected, Radiographs of the contralateral sh
oulder served as a control, Patients completed a questionnaire on shou
lder function and pain and were examined preoperatively and postoperat
ively. The total translation (anterior plus posterior) in the anteropo
sterior plane averaged 8.7 mm (range, 3-21 mm) for surgically treated
shoulders and was significantly greater than that for the contralatera
l shoulders (mean, 3.2 mm; range, 1-6 mm), Patients' postoperative vis
ual analog pain scales correlated with the magnitude of anteroposterio
r translation, The amount of translation and the postoperative pain sc
ores did not correlate with the apparent joint space seen on radiograp
hs after surgery, The correlation of pain scores with the amount of tr
anslation shows that excessive anteroposterior instability of the dist
al clavicle can cause postoperative shoulder pain and poor surgical ou