Tick ecologists throughout Europe provided descriptions of Lyme borrel
iosis habitats according to a standardised format and data for 105 hab
itats in 16 countries were received. The data showed that high risk si
tuations, as defined by the presence of large numbers of B. burgdorfer
i sensu lato-infected nymphal I. ricinus, occur in heterogeneous decid
uous woodland, usually with a recreational function and with a diverse
fauna, usually including deer. Large numbers of ticks occurred in som
e other habitats, but infection prevalence was usually low. The situat
ion for adult I. ricinus was similar but less clearly defined. Tick in
fection rates were found to be lower in western Europe than in the eas
t, and the infection rate in I. persulcatus, the most easterly vector
species, was markedly higher than in I. ricinus. In the vast majority
of habitats the infection rate in adult I. ricinus was greater than in
nymphs. Larvae were rarely found to be infected.