Introduction: Cultural, linguistic, and economic barriers place many A
sian Americans in jeopardy of missing opportunities for disease preven
tion, early diagnosis, prompt treatment, and participation in clinical
trials. One way to learn how to address these barrier-a is through th
e development of a demonstration health education and prevention progr
am focused on an indicator disease such as cancer. Methods: In 1994, t
ile University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Cancer Center began a h
ighly focused cancer education program, Staffing was done with a varie
ty of bicultural and bilingual undergraduates recruited from local col
leges and trained to work as community health educators. Asian grocery
stores were selected as optimal educational sites. Adaptation of shel
tered English teaching techniques and hands-on teaching aids helped to
overcome language and educational barriers. The educational intervent
ion was evaluated using unobtrusive measures. Results: With the volunt
eers' help, culturally sensitive means to disseminate information on c
ancer were evaluated. A variety of approaches evolved that effectively
bridged many communication barriers. Fear of cancer itself, belief th
at thinking about cancer could provoke the onset of the disease, and f
inancial barriers to care proved to be just as formidable barriers to
cancer education in this ethnic group as they are in others. Using stu
dent volunteers and donated store space, this educational program was
conducted with minimal expense. Conclusion: Reaching this population w
ith the help of ethnically and linguistically compatible students was
effective, but the barriers they faced when trying to connect with the
ir potential audience were still considerable. Rigorous evaluation of
the strategies used in this intervention is warranted.