Guided by the increasing awareness and detectability of spatiotemporal
ly organized climatic variability at interannual and longer timescales
, the authors motivate the paradigm of a climate system that exhibits
excitations of quasi-oscillatory eigenmodes with characteristic timesc
ales and large-scale spatial patterns of coherence. It is assumed that
any such modes are superposed on a spatially and temporally autocorre
lated stochastic noise background. Under such a paradigm, a previously
described (Mann and Park) multivariate frequency-domain approach is p
romoted as a particularly effective means of spatiotemporal signal ide
ntification and reconstruction, and an associated forecasting methodol
ogy is introduced. This combined signal detection/forecasting scheme e
xhibits significantly greater skill than conventional forecasting appr
oaches in the context of a synthetic example consistent with the adopt
ed paradigm. The example application demonstrates statistically signif
icant skill at 5-10-yr lead times. Applications to operational long-ra
nge climatic forecasting are motivated and discussed.