In general, mucoactive drugs are classified into several groups, Howev
er, since many drugs have overlapping effects, it is difficult to clas
sify the drugs into groups based on their major actions, It has been r
eported that many mucoactive drugs have antioxidant effects, It is rea
sonable to suggest that an antiinflammatory property is crucial to dem
onstrate effectiveness in a clinical contest, From this point of view,
we have evaluated several mucoactive drugs over two decades. Of these
, we will consider the following drugs with anti-inflammatory properti
es: sodium aceneuramate; glucocorticoids; traditional Chinese medicine
s; and new cysteine derivatives, On the basis of these findings, we be
lieve that the efforts to seek for compatible actions between glucocor
ticoids and oriental medicines may provide nem opportunities for devel
opment of ideal mucoactive drugs with specified actions, i,e, suppress
ion of gene expression.