Interplanetary scintillation (IFS) measurements of the density fluctua
tions in the fast and slow solar wind were made at 2 GHz and 8 GHz in
1994 at the Kashima. Space Research Center, Communications Research La
boratory, Using: the observations which cover the distance range from
5 to 76 solar radii (R-s), we investigate the radial evolution of the
dissipation scale length of the density fluctuations, the so-called; i
nner scale.'' Our IFS observations reveal that the inner scale shows d
ifferent radial profiles between the inside and outside of the acceler
ation region, The size of the inner scale outside 25 R-s increases lin
early with radial distance, showing: good agreement with previous obse
rvations made at r greater than or equal to greater than or equal to 5
0 R-s, The inner scale inside 25 R-s, on the other hand, deviates from
the linear relation, We simulate the radial variation of the inner sc
ale using-a solar wind acceleration model and then compare the results
to that of the observed inner scale, We find that. in the low-speed s
olar wind, the radial profile of the computed inner scale is in good a
greement with that of the observed inner scale and that the salar wind
acceleration causes the deviation of the inner scale from a linear re
lation, However, in the high-speed wind, we cannot reproduce the radia
l profile of the observed inner scale with the acceleration model, eve
n though the line-of-sight integration effect on IFS measurements is t
aken into account, We propose that this disagreement is due to the den
sity and magnetic field fluctuations not being correlated in the high-
speed solar wind, as shown at greater heliocentric distances by Hellos