The authors raise the problem of the systematic or variable confusion
which concerns incest between adults and incest with children. A wealt
h of literature exists concerning pedophilia and incest but the differ
ences between OE dipal phantasms, sexual abuse of children and incest
between perverse and consenting adults is not always underlined. In le
gal terms only crimes concerning children or non-consenting persons ar
e taken into account. On the other hand prison sentences are increased
when the sex-offender is a parent or person with authority on the vic
tim. In fact transgressions of the ''taboo'' of incest are far more fr
equent and far more important than was supposed some decades ago. Sinc
e the work of S. Ferenczi in the 1930s we have known that the ''confus
ion of tongues between adults and the child'' (i.e. confusing of reque
st for affection and request for sexual contact) could arise in many f
amily and social contexts and produce lasting trauma and various forms
of severe neurosis, often hysteria. The father was often classified a
s a pervert. If we take a closer look however we find a mixed bag of p
athologies, some immature neurotics, some perverts and a rainbow of ot
her disorders. The mother-son relationship, Jocaste and OE dipus is ra
rely encountered in forensic psychiatry, this is not of course an obst
acle to theorising incest in its pathological unity. The authors insis
t on what causes trauma in a child before puberty - the fact that the
phantasm encounters its ''realisation'' in the world. The act, often c
ommitted by person with parental authority, may take place in an atmos
phere of secrecy, often we find threats of violence, sometimes incest
is presented as a form of ''cheating''. The acts of incest, sometimes
very repetitive, correspond to a parental desire to act in secret... w
ithout the intention of bringing a social facet to what would then bec
ome an ''authentic'' social couple.