Growth and metabolism of the lactic acid bacteria are closely dependen
t on the nutritional environment. Major environmental constraints, whe
n they are not directly related to the bacterial growth, are the natur
e and the availability of the nitrogen and carbon sources. In this pap
er, the influence of the carbon substrate (sugar) on the metabolism of
Lactococcus lactis NCDO 2118 was studied from a kinetic and enzymatic
point of view. An original model of metabolism control has been devel
oped and was successively tested in other nutritional environments. Th
is model differs from that generally assumed for lactic acid bacteria
and can be applied to other lactococci. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate play
s only a minor role in controlling the further metabolism of pyruvate
and NADH/NAD ratio exerts the major control over glycolytic flux. The
metabolic consequences of co-substrate utilization were analyzed and t
he role of serine utilization on the metabolism of L. lactis NCDO 2118
was investigated in more detail. (C) Inra/Elsevier, Paris.