The heat-stable acid-soluble phosphoglycoprotein component PP3 was iso
lated from the bovine milk proteose peptone fraction by concanavalin A
affinity chromatography. Glycopeptides from the ConA-bound fraction c
orresponding to the component PP3 were obtained by Pronase digestion a
nd were separated by gel filtration into high and low-molecular-mass g
lycopeptides. In a previous work, we have investigated the structure o
f the N-glycans from the high-molecular-mass glycopeptides [Girardet e
t al. (1995) Eur J Biochem 234: 939-46]. Here, we describe the structu
re of the O-glycans from the low-molecular-mass glycopeptides. By comb
ining methylation analysis, mass spectrometry, 400 MHz H-1-NMR spectro
scopy and peptide sequence analysis, we show that the low-molecular-ma
ss fraction contains several neutral glycopeptides. A mixture of the f
ollowing three glycan structures linked to the Thr(86) has been identi
fied: GalNac alpha 1-O-Thr, Gal(beta 1-3)GalNAc alpha 1-O-Thr and Gal(
beta 1-4)GlcNAc(beta 1-6)[Gal(beta 1-3)]GalNAc alpha 1-O-Thr.