The research we are reporting here is part of our effort to develop a
navigation system for the blind. Our long-term goal is to create a por
table, self-contained system that will allow visually impaired individ
uals to travel through familiar and unfamiliar environments without th
e assistance of guides. The system, as it exists now, consists of the
following functional components: (1) a module for determining the trav
eler's position and orientation in space, (2) a Geographic Information
System comprising a detailed database of our test site and software f
or route planning and for obtaining information from the database, and
(3) the user interface. The experiment reported here is concerned wit
h one function of the navigation system: guiding the traveler along a
predefined route. We evaluate guidance performance as a function of fo
ur different display modes: one involving spatialized sound from a vir
tual acoustic display, and three involving verbal commands issued by a
synthetic speech display. The virtual display mode fared best in term
s of both guidance performance and user preferences.